Why listen to us?
NoGurusuccess.com is dedicated to bringing you the top level trading education and training available. If you have looked at our competitors, you will notice they all paint themselves to be stock market “gurus”. That’s why our site is named NoGurusuccess.com
Most of these so called “Gurus” have never really traded and all you get is regurgitated information plagiarized from other people’s work. We were taught on Wall Street by real traders who made their living trading the market. If you look at what the “Gurus” teach compared to what we teach, they are world’s apart.
Our system is based on a coaching model. It doesn’t take too long to learn the system. Once you learn it, you have to practice until you get good at it. This is the major difference. When we went to wall street, they didn’t give you a training manual and say “get to work”. They mentored, guided and taught us through experience.
We sat side by side with some of the best traders. You can’t can learn to ride a bike reading a book and you can’t learn to trade that way either. Come and join us for a real experiential learning program that duplicates the process used by many Wall St. firms to teach their traders.